MRAM: RAM Fit For All Your Mission-Critical Needs

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The field of memory technology is profitable and growing, with revenues expected to reach $36 billion by 2030. As new types of RAM become available, it is worth comparing them to older options to determine which one is best.

MRAM is one of the newest but most promising forms of RAM available. It is non-volatile and requires little electricity. This allows for fast and uninterrupted access in mission-critical situations.

Read our comparison guide to find the answers to questions such as what is MRAM, how does it differ from other memory options, and where can I find it?

Comparing MRAM, SRAM, and DRAM

There are three major types of RAM on the market today. They are known as DRAM or dynamic random access memory, SRAM or static random access memory, and MRAM or magneto-resistive memory.

Knowing the differences helps you choose the best option for your needs. Usability, density, storage size, volatility, speed, performance, power usage, price, and other factors may influence your decision.


Answering the question of what is MRAM begins with knowing how it is made and how the process differs from other RAM options.

Dynamic RAM is made up of cells containing a single capacitor and a transistor. Static RAM requires more transistors, leading to a more complex and expensive manufacturing process. Creating MRAM is even more complex, as it requires putting down two layers of magnets separated by an insulator.

An important part of the manufacturing process is placing the memory unit in the right place on a computational device.

DRAM is placed directly onto the motherboard. SRAM or static random access memory is found on the processor itself or between the processor and the main memory system.


The amount of data a type of RAM can hold is an important element to keep in mind before making your choice. A lack of storage space causes severe issues, especially for larger applications that manage a sizeable database of critical data.

DRAM sizes depend on the device they are installed in. They range from 1-2GB in smartphones and tablets. The range grows to 4-16GB in laptops.

SRAM sizes range from 1Mb-288Mb in all devices.

MRAM sizes can vary widely, but this makes them adaptable and customizable. They can fit in a wide variety of devices, making them useful for a larger range of applications.


A proper RAM system should prevent users from worrying that power outages, system failures, and other technical issues will erase or block access to their data. This is where volatility comes in, referring to the RAM’s ability to function without the device it is attached to being powered on.

Both DRAM and SRAM are volatile, meaning they will stop functioning if the device’s power source does. This is a major problem in mission-critical situations because it makes important data inaccessible.

MRAM is one of the few non-volatile memory options available. This makes it much more reliable, as users who lose power or access to their device will not lose their data as well.

Speed and Performance

Static RAM provides better performance than DRAM because it does not require refreshing. This also makes it faster, reaching speeds as fast as 1 nanosecond compared to 10 nanoseconds for DRAM.

MRAM can reach speeds that rival all other types of computational memory, rising to 30 nanoseconds for both reading and writing data. This makes it perfect for mission-critical situations where data must be accessed as soon as possible.

Electricity Usage

SRAM and DRAM both rely on electrical charges to generate power and perform their work. They both require and use a considerable amount of electricity.

MRAM is one of the few types of memory that relies on magnetic charges. This means it can still store data when the power goes out or the device the RAM is attached to fails to turn on. MRAM also uses less electricity than other methods overall, with power consumption levels of 27.2uJ for 10 acquisitions per second.


SRAM is used in the L2 and L3 cache of a CPU. It can temporarily store important data to make it easier to access quickly.

DRAM is a popular option for the main memory systems of computational devices. It is not meant for long-term storage applications.

Thanks to its non-volatility, MRAM is one of the only memory options capable of storing permanent data like operating system files, application files, collected sensor data, and critical programs. This makes it useful for a wide range of applications, especially mission-critical situations where detailed, long-stored data must be accessed immediately.

There is an almost endless number of answers to a question like what is MRAM used for. Learn more about the many applications of this emerging memory system here.


A common question that computer enthusiasts ask is why is RAM so expensive? Determining costs requires considering the manufacturing process and the materials required to create the system.

Static RAM requires more transistors during the production process, leading to higher overall costs. A single gigabyte of SRAM costs $5,000 compared to $20-$75 for a gigabyte of DRAM.

Despite having the most complex manufacturing process, MRAM is not the most expensive option on the market. Its high density and other factors make it an affordable option.

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Where to Get MRAM

Choosing the right memory system is one of the most important choices you can make when buying a new piece of technology. It ensures that you can store and access every file you need, an essential consideration during mission-critical situations.

There are several types of RAM on the market today, including dynamic, static, and magneto-resistant. The final option, abbreviated MRAM, is one of the best because it is non-volatile and fast with a high level of performance.

Once you understand the advantages of MRAM, you must choose the best supplier to buy it from. View our latest MRAM products and contact us today for more information.

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